The dotBlog

The dotBlog

The definitive blog by open source advocate and internet denizen dotMavriQ


A slow day, but watching Anders play was fun!


2-Minute Read

Today was just another slow Thursday.

I got some new job assignments that might fall through.

Mainly just doing maintenance work for a newly created site for a customer, making sure that old logs fit snugly into the new mold and all that.

We’ll see.

Hung out with Margarida and relaxed as much as possible in the times we’re in, I mean, Corona still ruins a lot of enjoyment, or worse yet, opportunities at all.

But let’s not focus on the bad parts of current living, shall we?

After work was done we prepared a nice meal and by happenstance, we saw that Anders was streaming on the JASP channel he’s running with Simon and a bunch of his other friends.

That man was made to be placed in front of an audience through a screen.

He played Quack Attack for the old GameBoy Color and while I never played that one as a kid it was still really amusing to see not only another fine example of a platform game doing what it can be entertaining and challenging whilst still holding itself within the technical limitations required for a game to run smoothly on a GBC cartridge.

It was a really fun and long stream that ended up with him getting the ideal ending and 100%-ing the game, props to you Anders!

Over and out.

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