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Gardening and Monstrous Baguettes

It's looking pretty good if you ask me


2-Minute Read

One of the things that made me really happy about moving into my appartment was the fact that I was offered the possibility of having my own little allotment to garden in.

It’s very humble and all that but it’s enough to get a decent yield for anyone that knows what they’re doing.

I barely…at least I still consider myself to be someone that is actively learning it.

It’s not my first time!

I actually had one when I was a kid together with my mom and dad… I remember failing with paprica but seeing some moderate success with other things… it’s even more funny that we used to have that allotment just across the street from where I now live hahah!

Lidköping is a small place after all.

Quick Garden update:
  • The Rhubarb is overbloomed… some of the stems are hardened into flower-stems and can’t be eaten.
  • The Chives look good though!
  • Herbs haven’t survived since I planted them… but that wasn’t too bad if you ask me… it was kinda expected.

So I should probably plant as much stuff as I can while the sun is still out… I’ll be sure to keep you guys posted!

Later during the day I met up with Phil and we pursued our hobby of making the most obnoxious baguettes possible.

We started with a Pre-Dinner Snack which was a Toscabulle, a cinnamon roll(Swedes call them Kanelbulle) that has been replaced with filling for another Swedish classic, namely the Toscakaka… It was alright…

Back to the Baguette.

This time it featured:

  • Ruccola salad
  • Wienerschnitzel
  • Goatmilk Mac’n’Cheese
  • Jalapeños
  • Bacon and Dorito Bites

… It was ehrm… It was actually tasty I’m not going to lie…but no man should ever consume that amount of carbs in one go.

I have first hand account of that…God

Images taken throughout the day:

My cute little garden!

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